What is this blog? Well, it's a companion site for My Convict Conditioning Journey. I wanted to keep the other blog more focused on calisthenics and body-weight strength training, and martial arts and the like, and dedicate a little more attention to other important issues on this blog. Plus, I'm implementing an Amazon store, and may be selling some other stuff in the future (gotta pay those bills).
Although strength training is an important element of manhood in the 21st Century, there are about a thousand other things that are also important. Therefore I'm launching this blog to address those.
Many of you that are reading this are probably fathers yourself (or nearly fathers) or maybe your kids have left the house and you are fumbling a bit for the (new) meaning of life. Any and all of that. I'm hoping to build an online community where we can navigate this massive ship we call humanity. Each of us has an important role in some small way, and even though it seems minuscule at times you need to know that it is critical.
One thing I've learned from calisthenics training is that for the most part incredible accomplishments are the result not of amazing breakthroughs, but are the end result of unstoppable, dedicated, persistent tiny, accomplishments. This is the "secret".
Therefore I am publishing this "single step" of what is the intended journey of a thousand steps. I will talk about modern issues and being a father and a husband, a man in the modern era, history, etc. If you like the idea (and I will be posting much more and adding a lot to the site including links to my favorite important books and gadgets)m then please post a comment and begin a discussion!
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